Wednesday, April 16, 2014

#25 Why are eggs good?

Who could deny the glorious taste of eggs. Eggs are a big part of our diets. Even though eggs are high in cholesterol, there are many other benefits of eating eggs. If you are a big believer of that, here's a few for you to change your mind. 

Eggs contain Vitamin B that are really good for brain development. If a woman is pregnant, they should eat more eggs because this vitamin is good for the baby. Other than that, eggs help reduce the risk of getting cancer. There are antioxidants in eggs help reduce the rish of getting cancer and a heart disease. Lastly, eggs can help you build muscle, not only that but eggs can also improve your reflexes. Eggs have a perfect consumption of protein in them and can improve situations.

#24 Giant panda's love sugar!

We all know that Giant Pandas love bamboo but researchers found out that Giant Pandas generally love sweet foods. Scientists have also found out that the human DNA and panda DNA are quite similar. They both have the same "sweet receptor" gene.  said behavioural geneticist author Danielle Reed of the Monell Chemical Senses Centre in Philadelphia.

source: Link
Peihua Jiang who is another researcher from Monell added, “We are a bit surprised. However, given the anecdotal evidence that they like apple, sweet potato and so on in captivity, we are not completely surprised,”

Experiments were undergone by the 
researchers to test this theory out. The
pandas were given two 
bowls of liquid. One of it was filled with plain water and the other was filled with mixed sugar solutions. The experiment showed that the pandas emptied the bowls that were filled with mixed solutions.

source: Link

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

#23 Bear Attacks woman

Bears in Lake Mary, Florida, United States are not afraid of humans anymore. Terri Frana, a 44-year old woman got her back of her head and face bitten by a wild bear. According to Greg Workman of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, she had to undergo surgery to get stitches and staples. 5 wild bears were shot by wildlife officersTerri’s suburban home area is now invaded with bears. Police had advised residences to not go out at night.In December, bear attacks started to rise. Susan Chalfant; a 54-year old woman who lives nearby Longwood got attacked by a wild bear while walking her dog. Neighbours found her bleeding non-stop at the driveways.
 “The fact that we have come across so many bears with so little fear of humans indicates that these bears are highly habituated and are regularly receiving food from people,” said Dave Telesco, the FWC’s bear program coordinator.“Our staff is dedicated to wildlife conservation. Having to put down these bears is a very difficult decision, but it’s the right decision to ensure public safety. Unfortunately, the saying is true: A fed bear is a dead bear.” – Reuters


#22 Bully gets sentenced to wear a negative sign

Edmond Aviv, a 62-year old man in the US was sentenced to wear a sign that claims him to be a bully. He was punished because he treated his neighbor badly by insulting her whole family. The judge made him hold a sign that said: “I AM A BULLY! I pick on children that are disabled, and I am intolerant of those that are different from myself. My actions do not reflect an appreciation for the diverse South Euclid community that I live in.” Aviv had to do it out of humility. People around his neighborhood were advised to stay away from his house just because he would pick on anybody who walks by.

Source: Link

#21 Japanese Beauty Secrets

Do you realise that Japanese women and men mostly have radiant skin? and you're probably wondering how they maintain it. Japanese people are loyal people, especially towards their country. They use the Japanese skin product called 'Shiseido'. Japanese people tend to put their skin as a priority and take careful care of it.
A skin care technique that Japanese people practice.        
'Cleansing', we're not supposed to just wash our faces with water. We're supposed to cleanse our face. Washing and cleansing are two different things. Washing the face would just make it dry if it’s oily. We must cleanse because cleansing keeps the face clean and gets rid of dirt. It also acts as a moisturizer.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

#20 Failure drives to aggressive video gamers

Researchers have found that when a person is facing failure, they turn to video games. People who are under distress of failure will turn aggressive and have no control over what they are doing. 

"Any player who has thrown down a remote control after losing an electronic game can relate to the intense feelings or anger failure can cause," said lead author Andrew Przybylski

An experiment was conducted to conclude whether or not people get aggressive by just playing video games. Participants are suppose to dip their hands into a bowl of cold water and later play simple and challenging levels of a Tetris game. They were given a time of 10 seconds to complete the challenging level and through this experiment, researchers have found out when the participants could not complete it within the time limit, they were frustrated of the fact they could not do it. This led the participants to throw a tantrum and become aggressive.

source: Link

#19 Healthy diets relief Asthma

A report from Australia's public broadcaster ABC has confirmed a study. People who consume high saturated fats food diet will likely be in a risk to getting asthma. 

Nutritional biochemist at the University of Newcastle, Lisa Wood, said 'the researching team wanted to highlight the benefits of eating healthy foods to people with Asthma.
"The team had developed a scorecard of good and bad foods, which she hoped asthmatics would use to guide their eating," she said.
"It's never going to replace Asthma medications but nonetheless, because of the beneficial health effects that we've seen, we really do promote this as a healthy way to change your lifestyle which will improve asthma but also  which will improve your overall health status," she said.

Fruits and vegetables are very helpful to prevent getting health problems and asthma attacks. A good morning workout can also benefit someone because it's a good sort of exercise to instill in a persons life. Other than that, staying away from junk  food is advised to prevent someone from getting heart diseases. Lastly, keep low-calorie foods in your diet plans.

source: Link

#18 Live Like An Athlete

Everyone always wants to live the life of an athlete. I mean, who doesn't? Living healthy is always the dream. The thing about athletes is they always dream big, and when they dream big, it's H.U.G.E. They always set goals and strive to achieve them. 

Other than that, athletes practice small.
Author of The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance. "You're chipping away at something over time with small goals instead of solely thinking about the big win at the end." Usually each victory depends on how momentum. You just got to keep working on it slowly.

Lastly, every athlete has a package. The perfect body and the perfect lifestyle. Motivation is what you will need. Talk to yourself and motivate yourself to become the better person you perceive to be. Giving yourself pep talks can also help boost ones ego and confidence. Motivation is usually the key to success.

#17 What about Caffeine?

There are plenty of us who consume caffeine daily, but do you really know what it can do to your health? Yes, we all know that caffeine brings a lot of benefits to one self like concentration, boosting memory and also promotes a good mental health. Not everyone gets the same effect out of consuming caffeine. Every individual is different. 

New York magazine previously reported: "Women generally metabolize caffeine faster than men. Smokers process it twice as quickly as nonsmokers do. Women taking birth control pills metabolize it at perhaps one-third the rate that women not on the Pill do. Asians may do so more slowly than people of other races."

Caffeine has it's side effects too. For instance, if someone consumes excess amounts of caffeine, it can trigger a persons heart rate to be faster, anxiety and insomnia. Stopping immediately from drinking caffeine may cause irritability and mild headaches.

source: Link

#16 Foods that sound healthy but isn't.

Have you ever been to the supermarkets and pick out a carton of fresh full cream milk ? But thought otherwise that you should get the low-fat milk instead. Well almost everybody has thought that but little do they know, you should just really pick the fresh milk instead of the low-fat. They aren't any least different from each other.

These are some foods that sound healthy but aren't.

1. Frozen Yogurt a.k.a 'Froyo'
The love of frozen yogurt is now spreading because it's the best substitute for ice-cream. But do you know that Froyo is actually almost the same. With all of the m&m's and cookies as toppings, it will sure do us harm if we eat regularly.

2. Prego Pasta Sauce 
We all need sauces on our pasta and Prego Pasta Sauce is the first we'll pick up in our local supermarket. Even if the pasta sauce comes with small servings of chopped vegetables and crushed tomato sauce which can protect us from heart diseases, but it really is not so good for our health. Pasta Sauce contains so much sugar, high fructose corn syrup, sodium and fillers. To make pasta sauce last longer, they also contain ascorbic acid. Imagine glazing all of that on your pasta! 

3. Diet Soft Drinks 
Even if they claim to have said that diet soft drinks are calorie-free but do you really believe that people do lose weight by adding diet soft drinks to their menus? Diet Soft Drinks contain a different type of sugar which makes consumers wanting to have more of it. It causes addiction and diet soft drinks can cause toothache because of the sweetener. 

source:  LINK

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

#15 Malaysians earning money as translators

Malaysians who can speak fluent English are being hired as online translators. It’s very simple to make money as an online translator. Big companies in the US are in desperate need of 
translation earnings cheque
translators, especially from Malaysia to translate some simple documents to English. A Malaysian student has done it and is earning between $180 and $300 USD per day. This job takes him at least a minimum of 2 hours of his day to complete. He earns almost a sum of $10,000 USD every month. This is a perfect job for almost any Malaysian because they are qualified. It’s also a very simple job because you’re doing this from home.

Source: LINK

#14 Kerr's Secrets

This slim and sexy Victoria Secret Angel is having her own ways of living. Miranda Kerr is famous on the fashion runways and is living her own luxurious life eating off the finest cuisines. But did you know? Miranda Kerr is her own chef? The model says "I'm not one of those girls that goes, 'oh no, I'm not eating that.' I'll be like 'Yeah, let's enjoy it, let's eat it together.' I think food can be really pleasurable." This world known model shares with us what she cooks at home and also shares us her recipes with the world.

1. The fallback salad
"I always make a big salad with finely chopped fennel, cucumber, feta cheese, baby spinach, avocado, olive oils and a dressing of macadamia oil, apple cider vinegar and Bragg's amino acids."
2. The easy grilled chicken
"Grill a chicken with turmeric, coconut oil and a bit of sea salt."
3. The child-friendly sides

"Peel and chop the sweet potato, fry them in a frying pan with coconut oil. It's one of my son's favourite things."

#13 Identical Everything

Perth, Australia; 28-year old twin sisters, Anna and Lucy DeCinque  have spent around $240,000 to look exactly alike as each other. The two sisters have already had breast implants, lip enhancements and tattooed eyebrows. They both also have the same outfits, diets and exercise routines. These horrifying identical sisters not only look the same but their daily life is similar! They both share one boyfriend and sleep together all at the same time. Lucy claim to have said “We have one boyfriend and all of us share the same bed … We have the same taste in everything, so obviously we’re going to like the same boy, too.” They have never repeated an outfit before and have worn everything the same time only once. These two twins are on the extremes of insanity.

Want to share everything in their lives ... Twin sisters Lucy (left) and Anna DeCinque. P
source : LINK

#12 Nude Heels are IN !

Nude heels are a girl’s best friend. Every single girl should own a pair because they fit best with anything on your outfit. A pair of nude heels can never go wrong in a girl’s life. It doesn’t matter where you buy it, whether it’s from the nearest thrift shop down the road to the high end streets where you find Jimmy Choo. All you need are these confidence boosters so that you can wear them any time and at any place. Nude heels can add to a slimmer silhouette and create an illusion of longer and lengthier legs. Trust me, nothing can go wrong with nude heels.

source : Link

#11 Being hipster

Back in the days, being hipster was not so very popular because hipsters are mainly nerds. They usually are tall and skinny people. Glasses are a compulsory when being a hipster. Sometimes they are gym junkies. But now, hipsters are very popular and teenagers today are mimicking them just because they think they are cool. There are plenty of ways to find out whether you are hipster or not. Looking at how a teen sees it, here’s how;

      1.     You own a pair of glasses
      2.     You own a fixie bike
      3.     You have no facial hair at all.
      4.     You roll your trousers up
      5.     You look homeless

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

#10 Beauty secrets with Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston still looking-good at the age 45 shares her beauty secrets with everyone. The star who is engaged to Justin Theroux also said that "women and men today in their 40s are so much healthier than they were 30 years ago in their 40. It was a different time".

She shares with us that she uses the brand 'Aveeno'. We have always wondered how she can still maintain her youthful gorgeously look. She also shares with us natural remedies to keeping the skin looking radiant by just putting cucumbers and chamomile tea bags under the eyes to rejuvenate the skin. She also stays away from salty foods as they aren't very healthy for the body. Mainly she uses Aveeno Products for her skin to get that younger teenage look.

Jennifer Aniston

source :

#9 Malaysia Bans Concerts

Recently, Malaysia has been banning most events like FMFA, Life in Color and F1 concerts. The same thing happened during the previous concerts that was held in Malaysia, for instance,
 In February 2012, a singer named Erykah Badu from the United States was suppose to perform but instead, her concert was cancelled because she had a tattoo tattooed on her body with the word. Allah on her chest. In October 2013, Ke$ha's concert was also cancelled at the very last minute and she even tweeted about how she will be jailed if she performs in Malaysia.This has stirred a lot of controversies among the people who wanted to attend and have attended the concerts in Malaysia.

#8 DIEts

Diets are very popular among a lot of people, especially among teen girls between the ages of 13-18. But did you know? Diets are actually bad for you. There's a reason why there is a DIE in Diet. These girls are blindly taking on a diet just to look skinny and thinking they are on a 'healthy' lifestyle, but really, it damages their health. Some other people go on a diet because they are facing obesity, peer pressure or even self-confidence.

People have this thought that being on a diet will make them lose weight even faster but it doesn't guarantee that it'll just go away.The effects of dieting is really bad. Dieting results to various effects like serious digestive problems, suffering from malnutrition or maybe even heart diseases. Severe dieting can also cause muscle loss.

#7 Are you living a creative life ?

People nowadays are aspired to live a creative life. A creative life encourages you to be inspired and have a creative mind. Having a creative mind in this day of age is very helpful not only for your mind but it keeps you aware with things in life. It also promotes a well-being lifestyle in your life.

The key things to remember when wanting to live a creative life is to keep learning. Always brainstorm when you're doing work. You never know, you might just get that eureka moment. Being mindful is also really good to promote a creative life. Other than that, encourage yourself to connect with more creative people. Surrounding yourself with creative people can enlighten your mood and instill a better understanding on things.

#6 Start Living

Everyone should own a bucket list. A bucket list is important because it helps people grasp the true meaning of living. A bucket list can consist of things you want to do, places you want to go or even people you wanna meet. Everyone at least has a bucket list planned out somewhere even if it is in your head. You can never be too old to make a bucket list because it is something to help you achieve a goal in life. Other than that, a bucket list can also make memorable memories in one's life. Even though doing things on your bucket list may be a quick way to drain your energy, it definitely is a great way to spend your time wisely.

Here's Ariana Grande and her things of what she would love to achieve this year,

Ariana grande

 Skill I'd like to master:  SCUBA DIVING

Instrument I want to pick up: VIOLIN
Adventure I'd like to go on: AN EXPEDITION TO EVEREST
Bad habit I want to kick: CRACKING MY BACK
Language I'd love to learn: FRENCH
Artist I want to collaborate with: M.I.A.
Go to for a Q&A with Ariana about style, heartbreak, and being obsessed with her fans.

source: marie claire magazine

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

#5 Future Music Festival Asia

Future Music Festival Asia has taken part in Malaysia at Bukit Jalil National Stadium but unfortunately only for a short two days due to the death of 6 people. These 6 people have died mainly because of drug overdose. This tragedy had left thousands of people disappointed because this event resulted to the cancellation of the third day of Future Music Festival Asia. The police had came to a decision to cancel this event because they did not want any more deaths and inappropriate behaviour to happen during the event. There were plenty of artists that was going to perform on the third day but had got cancelled. Huge artists from all around the world such as Bassjackers, Knife Party, Martin Garrix and Macklemore did not get to perform because of that. 
But overall, the other 2 days was a good event with great performances.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

#4 A Malaysian Breakfast

Have you ever wondered what is the perfect Malaysian breakfast ?

Village Park Restaurant located @ Uptown Damansara offers you the best Malaysian Breakfast.
It's signature mouthwatering 'Nasi Lemak' with Fried Chicken always leaves customers coming back for more. Looking for a place to park your car may be difficult at Uptown Damansara, but people still try to look for one just to get a taste of their amazing 'Nasi Lemak'

Nasi Lemak Malaysian Breakfast

source: Picture

The "Nasi" in this dish is so fragrant that you can just eat this alone. 
Other components of the dish like the 'sambal' is spicy but it tastes so good.
The fried chicken is the star of this dish because it's fried until golden. 

Hands down, Village Park Restaurant is the place to have a great 'Nasi lemak'. 

#3 Floral Craze

Have you noticed the new trend going around teens lately?
It's all about floral prints this Spring ! All your favourite celebs are also strutting this new trend such as Katy Perry,Vanessa Hudgens, Sara Hyland and also Kiernan Shipka. Not only do these prints go well during the spring time. You can style them in different ways that make up for an edgier look or even just go with the girly look. These prints are great for short strolls in the park and even can be great for a casual date. Clothing with floral prints are like dresses, tops, shorts and many more. 

#2 Where's & Wears

Factorie the clothing brand for guys and girls is now growing and spreading worldwide.  Factorie never fails to disappoint the people around the world with their clothing. Factorie makes their clothing wearable from beach wear to street wear. They are still evolving and is opening more outlets worldwide. Factorie offers a wide range of fun and fresh clothing for young youths or even adults to wear

For those Malaysians who have been waiting and hoping for a Factorie brand near you, the day has finally arrive because Factorie has grown and spread it's fashion to one of the biggest malls here in Malaysia. Coming soon! Factorie will be available and opened at Sunway Pyramid, Malaysia.

Monday, March 17, 2014

#1 Start Snacking !

 Have you ever craved for something so fast, cheap and delicious during the most random time of the day? I’m pretty sure that when you heard that phrase you were already thinking of fast food restaurants like McDonalds. Even if McDonalds is the easiest and quickest way to satisfy your stomach, did you know that it is deadly?

Well, don’t worry because there are plenty of alternatives to replace McDonalds in a quick, cheap, and delicious way too. If you are a frequent McDonalds consumer, It’s time to vanquish this bad habit of yours. Here are some ideas of a perfect healthy snack to start eating! 

source: Tumblr


Carmen, 18
A student at Taylors Lakeside